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Next line automatically

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After deleting a duplicate file the program doesn't go to the next line, and sometimes we click in a wrong one.
It is possible to use the arrows keys of the keyboard, but when we go to another window this option doesn't work.

thanks, for comment, i shall look that can be done.

I do not understand precisely what dalmas64 intends in the second sentence, but I think I get the other bit (if not... sorry about that!).

Similarity already has a smartly designed GUI, targeted toward enhancing human productivity by eliminating unnecessary calls to context menus-- for it is quite convenient to use only a single click on the "Red X" Delete button (or the "Speaker" to play an item) -- however, currently (in my version, 0.71 build 99) the user must click on the duplicates list after each deletion, to ready another duplicate set for evaluation.

Respectfully, I do hope the admirable developer(s) of Similarity will consider this issue worthy of closer inspection. Please continue reading, as I shall try to explain my experience of interacting with the software, in hopes to better illustrate why it is important that Similarity could be configured to (as an option) automatically "select one duplicate set" for focus at all times.

If Similarity could take care of an extra click for the user, a duplicates deletion job could nearly be slashed in half: ideally, so the user would need only focus on what is the current Left file, and Right file-- the goal being to elimanate the need to delete, then select, then delete again, then select, etc., constantly requiring users to perform a different activity.

If the user could keep his or her eyes trained on one particular screen area, as a managed task, the deletion rate could only increase, ultimately to result in an even more remarkable gain in efficiency when using Similarity Mp3 Duplicate detection.

I am confident, if Similarity would (as an option, or as default) focus "one duplicate-set beyond" the "currently queued deleting set", I would realize a sizable difference in the actual effort required to complete the job.

For users who prefer keyboard interaction, instead of clicking things with the mouse, perhaps this sort of auto-advance might allow for Similarity to be manipulated easily without a mouse. I admit, the initiative to write in the forum is not entirely without the encouragement from an aching mouse-hand, clicking away at all of my duplicates!  ;-)

Thanks again for the great software. I'm excited to follow Similarity as it matures to resonate an inevitable, positive impact on digital media enthusiasts.

The v. 0.71 is crashing the windows XP after some minutes of scan.
And the "next line automatically" is still waiting.

can you explain more detailed, maybe it's crash on some file ?


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