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Topics - pannayar

Pages: [1]
Wishlist / Option to group similar files
« on: November 22, 2008, 06:38:18 »
This program rocks!

If I have
file1, dup11, dup12, dup13
file2, dup21, dup22, dup23

This program will report 12 duplicates, but only 6 in reality.

It will show every combination of file1/dup1* which would be 6 and also same for file2/dup2*.

It would be nice to have a final list saying

file1, dup11, dup21, dup31 are similar

instead of or in addition to saying
file1 and dup11,
file1 and dup12
dup11 and dup12

Pages: [1]