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Wishlist / Built-in ID3 Tag Editing (Copy/Move)
« on: May 19, 2009, 21:41:58 »
Yes i received them, and analyze them, something interesting, Windows Media Player can't play them, and Similarity used ACM decoder, this decoder can only show ID3v1 tags.
I continue research.

News / Version 0.8.2 released
« on: May 17, 2009, 16:42:13 »
- changed cache storage, it's now fully unicode
 - you can now ignore pairs, they never showed again in list (ignores info stored in cache)
 - corrected compatibility with screen resolution less 32bit
 - fixed some issues with invalid flac's
 - changed % showing mechanism, if sounds don't similar by some algorithm they doesn't shown with 0%
 - changed progress updating mechanics

You must uninstall previous version before installing new version.

Bugs / ID3 tags titles missing
« on: May 16, 2009, 16:39:46 »
this issue fixed, now, Similarity correctly displayed on 24,16,8bit screen resolution, fix will be available in new version.

Wishlist / Built-in ID3 Tag Editing (Copy/Move)
« on: May 16, 2009, 11:10:47 »
i tested, everything seems to be ok.
i edited tags in winamp, id3v1 different from id3v2, Similarity showed correct id3v2 tags, in win2k,winxp.
can you send me this file where this bug appears ?

similarity don't analyse file for id3v2 tags, it uses Windows Media SDK for taking all information, maybe your grabber write invalid tags ?

Or you maybe didn't install Windows Media Player 9.0 or later, in this case Similarity uses ACM decoder and himself searches ID3v1 tags. In this mode it's not support ID3v2.x tags.

Wishlist / Интерфейс программы
« on: May 16, 2009, 11:04:24 »
плеер уже есть даже в текущих версиях, но он не вынесен в интерфейс потому-что:
1) его надо вписать как-то в графический интерфейс (кнопка плей,пауз,стоп) + это не должно путать с будушими кнопками остановики и начала сканирования.
2) основная проблема с источниками, с каждым разом увеличивается кол-во поддерживаемых муз.форматов, а уних всех своя специфика, поэтому звук нужно привести к стандартному формату (стерео, 44Khz, 16бит), а текущие муз.форматы могут поддерживать и квадро и 5.1 и еще даунсамплинг с 48Khz в 44Khz не тривиален.

Bugs / ID3 tags titles missing
« on: May 12, 2009, 18:18:06 »
Seems, not 32 bit screen resolution, we add warning about this.

Wishlist / Built-in ID3 Tag Editing (Copy/Move)
« on: May 12, 2009, 18:16:03 »
I see what's wrong

Wishlist / Easier, windows compliant delete file methods
« on: May 12, 2009, 18:14:39 »
About shift/select this's good idea, we going to implement this in new versions.
But multi-selection questionable, there display checkboxes, that display in bottom details windows ?

Bugs / Completely different MP3s match up.
« on: May 11, 2009, 16:00:56 »
split them to smaller files, or upload somewhere, because my mail server doesnt allow big emails.

News / Version 0.8 released
« on: May 09, 2009, 01:33:08 »
see answer about tag similarity algorithm,
unfortunately there is no faq.

News / Version 0.8.1 released
« on: May 09, 2009, 01:19:59 »
- added ogg support
 - acm decoder info corrected
 - window position stored
 - issue with utf-8 tags in flac fixed

You must uninstall previous version before installing new version.

Bugs / ID3 tags titles missing
« on: May 09, 2009, 00:52:40 »
i don't understand, can you send me screenshot.
And that version of Windows do you use ?

Wishlist / Tag compare
« on: May 09, 2009, 00:26:43 »
its not secret (because its dummy)
WordsSimilarity - function what returns float in [0...1], 0-words not similar anywhere, 1 - duplicates

float f1=WordsSimilarity(md1.title,   md2.title);
float f2=WordsSimilarity(md1.artist,  md2.artist);
float tf1=WordsSimilarity(md1.title,  md2.artist);
float tf2=WordsSimilarity(md1.artist, md2.title);
if(tf1>=f1 && tf2>=f2) { f1=tf1; f2=tf2; }
if(md1.title.empty())  f1=(max)(f1, WordsSimilarity(md1.filename, md2.title));
if(md2.title.empty())  f1=(max)(f1, WordsSimilarity(md1.title, md2.filename));
if(md1.artist.empty()) f2=(max)(f2, WordsSimilarity(md1.filename, md2.artist));
if(md2.artist.empty()) f2=(max)(f2, WordsSimilarity(md1.artist, md2.filename));
float f3=WordsSimilarity(md1.filename, md2.filename);
float f4=WordsSimilarity(md1.album, md2.album);
float max_k=0.0f;
if(f1!=0.0f || (md1.title.empty()==false && md2.title.empty()==false))       max_k+=0.4f;
if(f2!=0.0f || (md1.artist.empty()==false && md2.artist.empty()==false))     max_k+=0.3f;
if(f3!=0.0f || (md1.filename.empty()==false && md2.filename.empty()==false)) max_k+=0.15f;
if(f4!=0.0f || (md1.album.empty()==false || md2.album.empty()==false))       max_k+=0.15f;
if(max_k>0.0f) value_k=(f1*0.4f+f2*0.3f+f3*0.15f+f4*0.15f)/max_k;

after if (value_k>m_sensitivity) they similar by tag (m_sensitivity=0.75 in option dialog)
result % = ((max)((value_k-m_sensitivity)/(1.0f-m_sensitivity), 0.0f))*100.0f

Bugs / New: xxxx/yyyyy cut-off
« on: May 09, 2009, 00:16:33 »
Thanks for comment.
I think to change something in gui and in prgress bar, i'm not sure now, but maybe progress bar disappear.

Wishlist / Built-in ID3 Tag Editing (Copy/Move)
« on: May 09, 2009, 00:07:15 »
Thanks for comment.
i think this wish would implementent in future, but not in nearest versions.
Because there some troubles with different mechanism of storing tags (ID3,Vorbis,ASF).

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