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Version 1.1.0 released


+ Major changes in Results view (its now descending with columns)

 + Changes in folder view, added folders reloading, icons support. Possibility to select folder without subfolders
 + Added support for Windows 7 Libraries

 + Portable mode, all data stored in same folder with exe file, use "similarity.exe /portable"
 + Crash gathering and submitting mechanism. Similarity can now ignore minor crashes than decoding some files, this files automatically added to skip list and never touched again.

 - Offically doesn't support Windows 2000 now (too old for new features)
 - WavPack memory leak fixed
 - Some small visual/translation bugs fixed

If you interesting in translating Similarity in your language write to support email.

Hi Almaz!

Found small bug in this version.
While starting, 'SensitivityContent' and 'SensitivityTags' from .ini-file applied incorrectly.

Small suggestion:

Make normal/portable mode switchable via menu.
You may check current mode by presence of some file, e.g. 'portable.dat'

asmix: Found small bug in this version.
While starting, 'SensitivityContent' and 'SensitivityTags' from .ini-file applied incorrectly.
yes, this is bug, only SensitivityTags applied incorectly, this issue is fixed, will be available in next version.


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