Hi. Thank you very much for sharing your expertise in the software title, Similarity. As many here have praised, I too wish to commend you on your success in creating a productivity enhancing tool such as this most useful, content based , ID3 meta data-sensitive , mp3 duplicate detection utility.
I'm very impressed that, after so many years, someone has finally taken an intuitive approach to detection of files-- data which we know can exist, in our perception as a duplicate, but in binary or checksum validation will always be overlooked.
I'm so glad I found Similarity Mp3 Duplicate detection software, the world's first media library organizer utility to break the barrier between conditional logic, and human intuition!
I hope you get the credit you deserve for all the good you have done for so many music fans who suffer the frustration of a media library which seems impossible to manage for so many similar files. Thank you, sincerely.