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News / Version 2.5.1 released
« on: November 17, 2021, 21:31:10 »
Download (Windows 32-bit version)

Download (Windows 64-bit version)

Changes list:
  • New custom algorithms setting.

  • Many improvements for High DPI screens

  • New speech comparison algorithm, using VOSK library
    You need download speech model from VOSK site, unpack it and set folder in Similarity Options

  • UI improvements
  • Extra logs
  • Fixed image decoder bug
  • Minor fixes

News / Re: Beta version 2.5.0
« on: October 28, 2020, 15:18:45 »

I appreciate this new feature. Please, what was old values ? I want to try this release and try to reproduce the same results as in 2.4.2 release.
And then, if you can give details about the new options, I will configure them as I want.

You can just press "Defaults" button, to restores default values (Similarity standard "Precise" settings).

News / Re: Version 2.4.2 released (Mac)
« on: October 28, 2020, 15:06:19 »
Is there going to be an update to resolve the contrast on the Rating column when in Dark Mode? That would be great! See my example in an earlier post.
fixed in 2.4.4

News / Version 2.4.4 released (Mac)
« on: October 28, 2020, 15:05:27 »
Download (MacOS)

  • Fixed crash with Global optimization
  • UI fixes
  • Sonogram scrolling fixed
  • Some minor fixes

News / Beta version 2.5.0
« on: September 19, 2020, 16:40:00 »
Similarity 2.5.0 build 2400

Download (64-bit Windows)

  • The main new feature of this beta version is configurable "Precise" audio comparing algorithm. You can modify some settings of this algorithm, like duration, kernel size, etc. (full descriptions come later)

  • New translations.
  • New example scripts.
  • Minor fixes.

Clipping doesn't participate in rating calculation, if you want automark by it you need use Javascipt, see example:
Code: [Select]
Author: Similarity Team
Version: 1.0
Simple auto-mark dialog analog
For speedup before launch analyze all files ("Analyze all" context menu)

// unmark all files;

// simple mark by lower bitrate
var dups =;
for (var idx = 0; idx < dups.length; ++idx) {
let item1 = dups[idx].item1;
let item2 = dups[idx].item2;
        // skip counter-pair (1-2 and 2-1), process pair only once
        if (item1.path > item2.path) continue;
// first priority
if (item1.analysis.rating > item2.analysis.rating)
{ item2.marked = true; continue; }
if (item1.analysis.rating < item2.analysis.rating)
{ item1.marked = true; continue; }
// second priority
if (item1.analysis.clips > item2.analysis.clips)
{ item2.marked = true; continue; }
if (item1.analysis.clips < item2.analysis.clips)
{ item1.marked = true; continue; }
// 3rd priority
if (item1.analysis.maxFreq > item2.analysis.maxFreq)
{ item2.marked = true; continue; }
if (item1.analysis.maxFreq < item2.analysis.maxFreq)
{ item1.marked = true; continue; }

General / Re: script for deleting mp3 duplicates
« on: May 06, 2020, 21:14:24 »
If you want just forbid marking files with bitrate 320 and above, you can use this automarkin script (you may want change priority too, it's very easy see if):

Code: [Select]
Author: Similarity Team
Version: 1.0
Simple auto-mark dialog analog
For speedup before launch analyze all files ("Analyze all" context menu)

// unmark all files;

// simple mark by lower bitrate
var dups =;
for (var idx = 0; idx < dups.length; ++idx) {
let item1 = dups[idx].item1;
let item2 = dups[idx].item2;
        // skip counter-pair (1-2 and 2-1), process pair only once
        if (item1.path > item2.path) continue;
// don't allow mark files with bitrate > 320
mark1 = item1.analysis.bitrate > 320000 ? false : true;
mark2 = item2.analysis.bitrate > 320000 ? false : true;
// first priority
if (item1.analysis.rating > item2.analysis.rating)
{ item2.marked = mark2; continue; }
if (item1.analysis.rating < item2.analysis.rating)
{ item1.marked = mark1; continue; }
// second priority
if (item1.analysis.duration > item2.analysis.duration)
{ item2.marked = mark2; continue; }
if (item1.analysis.duration < item2.analysis.duration)
{ item1.marked = mark1; continue; }
// 3rd priority
if (item1.analysis.maxFreq > item2.analysis.maxFreq)
{ item2.marked = mark2; continue; }
if (item1.analysis.maxFreq < item2.analysis.maxFreq)
{ item1.marked = mark1; continue; }
// 4th priority
if (item1.analysis.clicks > item2.analysis.clicks)
{ item2.marked = mark2; continue; }
if (item1.analysis.clicks < item2.analysis.clicks)
{ item1.marked = mark1; continue; }
// 5th priority
if (item1.analysis.clips > item2.analysis.clips)
{ item2.marked = mark2; continue; }
if (item1.analysis.clips < item2.analysis.clips)
{ item1.marked = mark1; continue; }

Wishlist / Re: Ability To Add Files In A Result Session
« on: May 06, 2020, 20:54:54 »
Unfortunately no, you can't change audio results with Javascript, you can mark/unmark, change tags, but nothing more. Main idea to use JavaScript on processing already scanned data, or control scanning itself (hard way).
We think about your suggestion, to save some scanning data and add new data to it.
You can always use folder groups to mark one folder as you trusted untouchable collection and new folder wit candidates for checking with your main one, see Part 2 of Tutorial:

Thanks for suggestion we think about configurable folder groups (with some criteria and settings).
You can do such scanning now with Javascript but you need some programming knowledge.

Wishlist / Re: Time ruler buttons in integrated player
« on: May 06, 2020, 20:48:12 »
Sorry, I don't fully understand you want to set some marker with exact duration (ex. 0:0:32), save it, and jump to it on any sound played?

Bugs / Re: I can't buy via PayPal
« on: April 23, 2020, 20:34:48 »
You can try purchase via PayPro Global (they internally have PayPal too, but from different region):

News / Re: Version 2.4.2 released (Mac)
« on: November 14, 2019, 23:12:58 »
black screen issue fixed in 2.4.3

Sorry for the delay, this bugs fixed in 2.4.3

Bugs / Re: Clear Cache sometimes freezes
« on: October 13, 2019, 21:49:30 »
How many files in cache when freeze occurs? All of them images? Or some audio files too?

News / Version 2.4.2 released (Mac)
« on: September 30, 2019, 22:30:55 »
Download (Mac OSX)

  • All changes previously added to Windows version (Global optimization, etc.)
  • All decoders updated to latest versions
  • More flexible and fast tableviews
  • New status bar
  • Some crashes fixed
  • Some minor fixes

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