Author Topic: Opening Files, my error?  (Read 199649 times)


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Opening Files, my error?
« on: December 13, 2007, 12:35:24 »

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong (my error) or if there is a bug in the program. Description follows:

I select: File->Open Folder and point it to folder on my harddrive containing 44.1khz/16bit (mono/stereo) .wav drumsamples. Sample length varies from 0.3 seconds to about 2 seconds and  they are all processed in SoundForge 8.0d (build 128). I can see that the blue text to the right (New: 0/0) quickly flashes through some values, but a second later it just says Files: 0, New: 0/0 and nothing more happens.

This particular folder contains 1000 .wav files (kickdrums), but I have tried with other folders as well containing less samples. Same result.

I've tried to change the compare settings and experimental search algorithm, but without luck.

My system:

Windows XP Professional SP2 (all of the updates installed, incl dot NET)
Similarity 0.51 (build 24)
Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 (2.66GHz)
Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 (P35 chipset)
Corsair TWIN2X 6400C4 DDR2, 2048MB CL4
Samsung SpinPoint T166 320GB SATA2 16MB 7200RPM


Anders Kallander


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Opening Files, my error?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2007, 21:32:13 »
I tried with longer samples and it seem to work ok (full songs etc), so no it's not a bug.

However, would it be possible to implement such a feature to load short samples? It would be a goldmine for us who are creating patches for software samplers like Native Instruments Kontakt & Battery, Reason NN-XT and so on. Trying to listen through 1000 kickdrums, snaredrums, hihats etc. to find out if there is a perfect or close match is way to timeconsuming.

Would gladely pay for a program that could automate such a cumbersome task.


Anders Kallander


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Opening Files, my error?
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2007, 22:07:14 »
1) duration of a file is too small (should be more than 15 sec.)
2) the algorithm for comparison of such small files should be a little another (it easier since it is possible to use more powerful algorithms), but while I do not have time for the program, I can simply clean restriction on length of a file, but hardly it will give after that good results.


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Opening Files, my error?
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2007, 12:31:41 »
Thanx for the reply!

Sorry to hear about the lack of time :(

I did some programming myself, but it's almost 10 years ago now (pascal). But it is true, programming can be very time consuming and there are other things in life!

Do you know if there are any similar programs like yours? I've been google:ing all night long but didn't find what I'm looking for....


Anders Kallander