Author Topic: Opencl limitation  (Read 11353 times)


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Opencl limitation
« on: October 17, 2022, 10:21:54 »
Hi, I've done some tests and I ask myseld if opencl is not fully used ? I've done this test (song files are already in similarity database) :
Ryzen 5 3600 with GFX1650 "precise" algorithm only (work group size 1024) : 2:49
Ryzen 5 3600 without opencl "precise" algorithm only : 3:23
Ryzen 5 3600 With GT430 "precise" algorithm only (work group size 64 either it failes) : 3:57

So with GT430 opencl the operation is slower, with GFX1650 it gives equivalent of +1.17 core (my CPU is 6 cores). So I can consider 7.17 core.

But with my new Ryzen 7 9750x (16 cores), following this, using GFX1650 will only give equivalent of 0.78 core.
With opencl benchmark : GFX1650 has score 38098. Maybe you could improve this ? By proposing 2048 or more work group size ?


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Re: Opencl limitation
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2023, 22:20:28 »
I doubt you will get a reply soon....
Just checked the Admin profile of this forum, last login was February 22nd in 2022 and the guy is from Russia, so no wonder there's no reply anymore.
I really hope he gets through these messy times unscathed.