I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong (my error) or if there is a bug in the program. Description follows:
I select: File->Open Folder and point it to folder on my harddrive containing 44.1khz/16bit (mono/stereo) .wav drumsamples. Sample length varies from 0.3 seconds to about 2 seconds and they are all processed in SoundForge 8.0d (build 128). I can see that the blue text to the right (New: 0/0) quickly flashes through some values, but a second later it just says Files: 0, New: 0/0 and nothing more happens.
This particular folder contains 1000 .wav files (kickdrums), but I have tried with other folders as well containing less samples. Same result.
I've tried to change the compare settings and experimental search algorithm, but without luck.
My system:
Windows XP Professional SP2 (all of the updates installed, incl dot NET)
Similarity 0.51 (build 24)
Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 (2.66GHz)
Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3 (P35 chipset)
Corsair TWIN2X 6400C4 DDR2, 2048MB CL4
Samsung SpinPoint T166 320GB SATA2 16MB 7200RPM
Anders Kallander